Molly di San Nicolo’s End (Molly)

Data di nascita


HD B1 / ED 1

OSD     N/N (esente/clear) LABOKLIN
DM       N/N (esente/clear) LABOKLIN
EIC       N/N (esente/clear) LABOKLIN
HNPK  N/N (esente/clear) LABOKLIN
NANIAMO N/N (esente/clear) LABOKLIN
CNM    N/N (esente/clear) LABOKLIN

Irin Angel Potter Of San Nicolo’s End
HD A – ED 0
Multi. Ch. BOSS Sarracenia
(Poland)HD (Hips) – A/A
ED (Elbows) – 0/0
FIN.Ch.Devonshires London Edition Am.Ch. Devonshires Limited Edition
Ch. Devonshires Darjeeling
Pl Ch, Pl JCh, Lux JCh
ANNIE SARRACENIA Majestic Chameleon
Buttonwood McIntosh
Ch.Wennie Malmesbury
Sable Blues
Multi Ch. Irin Angel FAIRY TALE

Hips A/A Elbows 0/0

Rus/Int Ch
Tapeatom Goodwill
Tapeatom Gusto
Tapeatom Libertine
Irin Angel Bonnie Brilliant RUS Ch
Capas Spirit Apt To Take Fire
Stenveyz Especially For Blondess Empire
Liza Minelli di San Nicolò’s End

HD B – ED 0

Loch Mor Speed Mster
HD A – ED 0
Int. Ch.Follies Storm Petrel Boockholl’s  Daddy’s Hope
Follies Olympia
Ch. Amber Lapemas Larry Of Sandylands
Lbrynseion Gabriella
Black Galaxy di San Nicolo’s End
HD A- ED 0
Ch.Honeydark Oversize
HD A – ED-0
Ch. Wit’s End Windfall Flyn O’Hyspire
Acerbis Elettra
Wizaed’s Creek Sugar At San Nicolo’ HD A -ED 0 Multi Ch. Wizard’s Creek Tribute To Mystic HD A – ED 0
Wizard’s Creek Isis


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